The artist who put bananas on the wall made a magazine called "Toilet Paper"


2022-07-19 12:23:00

Not long ago, the Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan, known to the public, came out of the circle with a "high-priced" banana pasted on the wall, and officially opened a China tour. On July 9, his new solo exhibition "" Maurizio Cattelan: "May You Be Here" opened in Shenzhen, which triggered a wave of local people watching the exhibition.

But today, this magazine would like to talk about TOILETPAPER, a magazine that Cattelan once founded. The magazine, co-founded by Italian contemporary artist Cattelan and photographer Pierpaolo Ferrari in 2010, has no text or advertisements, only bold, avant-garde, humorous and slightly nasty images, breaking the traditional magazine format. The alternative style is unique in the magazine industry and stimulates the visual senses of every reader.

TOILETPAPER co-founders Maurizio Cattelan (left) and Pierpaolo Ferrari (right).

Its avant-garde style with a bit of bad taste has attracted a lot of fans in the art, culture and fashion circles since its inception. Before the establishment, the two did not know each other, but after meeting, they found that they had the same ideas and concepts, so it can be said that they hit it off and created this publication. At that time, Cattelan had just finished his work in the "Permanent Food" magazine founded by him. This magazine, which is regarded as the predecessor of "TOILETPAPER", mainly "cut" images from other ready-made magazines and spliced them into two art; Ferrari They are well-known in the field of fashion photography, so the cooperation between the two can be said to be the perfect complement.
And the magazine they produced is a work of art in itself. This visual magazine is meant to make sense while trying to say as little as possible. We can see that, with light and bold tones and bright colors, carefully crafted scenes and narratives, the magazine declares a style that is fashion-forward and intensely humorous in a subversive and playful tone.
This magazine found their previous interviews in the media, and can explore the origin of this fun magazine.

Q: "TOILETPAPER" was born in 2010. I would like to ask what was the opportunity to start an atypical magazine?
A: We all felt the need to do something different outside the normal perception, so we created from a first-person perspective to overcome and replace the limitations of always looking for ready-made images. It was from that moment that we became the perfect partner for all kinds of crazy ideas.
Q: The crazy creativity presented in "TOILETPAPER" is amazing. I would like to ask where did the inspiration for the two of you come from? Will there be different tunes when thinking about it?
A: Inspiration comes from daily life and its contradictions, and even disagreements in the creative process are necessary to promote inspiration. So even though we all agree to create in a certain direction, we are still contradicting each other.
Q: The outside world often uses CULT magazine to describe "TOILETPAPAER". If you define it yourself, how would you describe it?
A: The best description is "TOILETPAPER"!
Q: Most of the works included in "TOILETPAPAER" have super-saturated colors and a grotesque sense of humor. Please share with us what is the core of the world you paint with photography?
A: In this visual world full of fast and easily replaceable consumption, TOILETPAPER tries to create strong visual images that can stay in people's brains for more than 2 seconds.

Q: What is your most impressive shooting experience so far? What other issues do you want to challenge?
A: Currently, there are no boundaries to the issues that you want to challenge, and anything is possible.
Q: The seemingly surreal and absurd acts of each work are now possible in the real world. Does this make it more difficult to create?
A: If the visual world we create becomes a reality, maybe we won't be needed anymore.

Q: Over the years, "TOILETPAPER" has developed from magazines, advertisements, daily groceries, to this year's beauty series. Are there any other projects that are developing or are you planning to try?
A: We only try what we really want to do, so there is no standard answer.

Article Source:艺术与设计



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