Master of queens' crowns shows her latest

Zhu Youfang

2022-08-05 17:02:00


The replica crown of the queen of last emperor of the Sui Dynasty (581-618), was made by Li Xin. [Photo provided by]

A 54-year-old experienced craftsman managed to replicate the exquisite crown of a queen who wore the original 1,400 years ago. The replica attracted many fans recently.

Earlier this year, Li Xin, a master of making ancient crowns, received the order to replicate the crown of the queen whose husband was the last emperor of the Sui Dynasty (581-618). The crown became a headache for her, as she didn't have complete data.

So she conducted extensive research on her own using pictures, records and even documentary videos related to the crown.

A model wears the crown of the queen of last emperor of the Sui Dynasty (581-618). [Photo provided by]

Models wear crowns that were hand-made by Li Xin. [Photo provided by]

Models wear crowns that were hand-made by Li Xin. [Photo provided by]

Models wear crowns that were hand-made by Li Xin. [Photo provided by]

Models wear crowns that were hand-made by Li Xin. [Photo provided by]

Models wear crowns that were hand-made by Li Xin. [Photo provided by]

A crown that's hand-made by Li Xin. [Photo provided by]

Li Xin works on a crown. [Photo provided by]

Article Source: ChinaDaily



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