Cognitive activities is the beginning of all late behaviors. Both science and art, are similar in cognitive level, and sparked a series of questions and explore, in the exploration stage, art and science have entered their respective areas and purpose, and empirical science is to pursue the truth, use logic and reason to explain the world, and art is more attention to the social, human nature and emotion, pay attention to the perceptual and independent observation, for a long time, is in the advance of science and art, created the human world civilization of today.
After entering the 20th century, the development of science and technology, in many aspects affected our daily life, also affects the human cognitive activity. According to the medium of art creation and the influence of narrative, or rather, art activities has never left the progress of science and technology brings the possibility of a new narrative science and explain the structure of the world, the charm of art interprets the world and the value of human beings. Without art, the world tasteless. Science and art are two sides of the coin, be short of one cannot.
Both in design practice and independent creative activities, all kinds of narrative process is the main body. The design is in the process of solving the problem of others to use their own knowledge and wisdom in social problems. Independent creation is to solve problems in their observation, and in the exploration, formed on the basis of experiments. The core of the narrative system in society is the involvement and participation. Conversion and interoperability between different problem subjects is also my favorite.
The exhibition is merely a cognitive structure, an outline of conscious logic, a presentation of methods and media experiments. It's a beginning, not an end. I want the structural power of hybrid media narratives, not the formal language exploration of a single medium. Both in design practice and independent creative activities, is - a kind of narrative process, the main body of is only a matter of reason, the design is in the process of solving the problem of others to use their own knowledge and wisdom in social problems, independent creation is to solve problems in their observation, and in the exploration, formed on the basis of experiments, the narrative system in society, the core is the involvement and participation. Conversion and interoperability between different problem subjects is also my favorite.