The naked-eye 3D giant screen turned out to be a visual scam! What other products in your life have you been fooled by?


2022-07-16 12:22:00


01 Naked eye 3D giant screen

Since 2020, many cities in China have followed the trend of 3D naked-eye giant screens, which have become check-in points for many Internet celebrities, with a sense of technology and the future. The naked-eye 3D large screen in Chengdu Taikoo Li took the lead in igniting the Internet, and the two robot dogs on the landmark screen of Chongqing Jiefangbei "Chongqing Wings" made people surprised.


Although that is good-looking, in fact, this is all "eye-obscuring". Simply speaking, it is to change the form of the work according to the perspective principle of the image, thereby creating different spatial perception and three-dimensional effects. Appreciating this "transformed" work requires the audience to be in a specific vantage point or to use special equipment.


This is why the viewing angles of these naked-eye 3D giant screens seen on the Internet are particularly uniform: once the audience leaves the ideal viewing angle, the three-dimensionality of the entire picture will be greatly reduced.
In fact, not only animation works, but also many products in life will use the "obfuscation method".

02 The three-dimensional chair suddenly becomes a two-dimensional chair
The designer added a lot of interest to this chair through the transformation of two-dimensional and three-dimensional. Usually it looks like a painting. After taking it off the wall, it directly transforms into a three-dimensional chair.



03 Coin Tables
The Coin Tables designed by Ukrainian designer Dmitry Kozinenko are full of instability and always make people want to help. The visual inclination contrasts with the stability of the object. A series of designs with different proportions in different heights are like musical notes, adding a lot of interest to the interior.



04 Inverted Gravity
Starting from the material to confuse the viewer's perception is a deeper "camouflage method". Mathieu Lehanneur's Inverted Gravity collection was acclaimed when it debuted during Art Basel through its poetic and breathtaking expression.
Taking inspiration from the International Space Station (ISS), Lehanneur starts with "gravity" and brings a "floating feeling" to the furniture. As if to lose gravity, Inverted Gravity confuses the concepts of heavy and light, almost reinventing physics through its technical and aesthetic finesse, craftsmanship and incredible technology.




05 Balloons? Chair?
Korean designer Seung Jin Yang uses balloons to realize another way of being for the seat. Seung Jin Yang wanted to turn the simple method of playing with balloons in his childhood memories into the manufacturing process of the furniture industry. The gradual addition of layers of epoxy coating gave the Blowing Series a bright and strong surface that was heavy enough to bear , and has a glass-like solid texture.




06 ALMA Button Perfume
Don't look at the appearance of this small object like a button, but its inside is a hidden mystery. After unscrewing, you can pour a few drops of perfume and wear it on your body, the fragrance is overflowing.



07 Rock Chair
This work from Dutch designer Matthijs Kok actually confuses many people. Seats that look rock-hard are actually very soft. The raw material of the "stone" is actually polyurethane foam, which is mixed with clay particles and pigments, and it becomes a rock chair.



08 Mirror
Through the change of shades between colors and the transformation of two-dimensional patterns to bring people a three-dimensional optical illusion, New York studio Bower uses mirrors as a carrier to bring this wonderful experience into daily use.




09 Books? Stool?
Hong Kong-based designer Mike Mak has done a bit of magic to turn imagination into reality. Unfolding the pages and cover, and covering the stool surface, it becomes a stool with a high-strength structure.



10 Clouds? Stool?
Designer Emily MacCloud made clouds and raindrops into a stool, which looks like a decoration from a distance, who would have thought it turned out to be a stool!



To sum up, the common "eye-obscuring" designs are mainly brought about by the visual illusion of the image, the perceptual contrast of appearance and material. Do you know any other "eye-obscuring" designs? Comment in the comment area!

Article Source:51design我要设计



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