Documenta 15 in Kassel, reflections on what art can be

吉丽 1.74万浏览 *评论 2022-07-28

Condensed design: the creative gene of LOGO

姜九月 1.62万浏览 *评论 2022-07-28

Traditional Chinese culture dazzles overseas students 1.66万浏览 *评论 2022-07-28

How to design with "concave-convex"?

国民设计师老工 1.58万浏览 *评论 2022-07-27

James Casebere: Space is a theme explored in contemporary photography

艺术与设计 1.67万浏览 *评论 2022-07-27

Xieyi artist's paintings on show a reflection of era

Lin Qi 1.61万浏览 *评论 2022-07-27

Designing how the hand interacts with the product

51design我要设计 1.75万浏览 *评论 2022-07-26

Micro world reveals its hidden artistry

YANG CHENG 1.61万浏览 *评论 2022-07-26

In July, the admission letter arrived

艺术与设计 1.76万浏览 *评论 2022-07-25
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